FAQs About Executors

Posted by PW Lawyers on 20 September 2019
FAQs About Executors
When it comes to Wills, some of the most common questions relate to executors. Who should be chosen for this job? What do they do? Should they be paid? Here are some of the most common, frequently asked questions, about executors. Who Should I Appoint As My Executor? Any adult who is ...
Posted in:Wills  

PW Lawyers: Upwardly Mobile!

Posted by PW Lawyers on 21 May 2019
PW Lawyers: Upwardly Mobile!
We understand that everyone is busy. Just finding the time to get to those critically important appointments can be extremely difficult. At PW Lawyers (formerly Proctor Willaws Solicitors), we are dedicated to helping you in any way we possibly can. And this includes finding the right appo...
Posted in:Legal Services  

What Is Conveyancing Anyway?

Posted by PW Lawyers on 10 February 2019
What Is Conveyancing Anyway?
'Conveyancing' is certainly one of those words that is bandied about an awful lot these days. But what is conveyancing, anyway? Conveyancing is the area of property law that deals with the transfer of real estate between sellers and buyers. Although it might seem quite straight...
Posted in:Conveyancing