How Much Does a Power of Attorney Cost?
Posted by PW Lawyers
on 5 December 2024
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to nominate another person to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. The person that makes the Power of Attorney is called the ‘principal’. The person who is authorised by the principal to manage their affairs is call...
Posted in:Legal ServicesPower of Attorney |
What are the Key Features of an Advanced Care Directive?
Posted by PW Lawyers
on 3 December 2024
An Advanced Care Directive (ACD) is a legal document that allows individuals to outline their preferences for medical treatment and care in the event that they become unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves. This directive is crucial for ensuring that a person's healthcare wish...
Posted in:Advance Care Directives |
What do lawyers mean when they talk about a “gift over” in a Will?
Posted by PW Lawyers
on 3 December 2024
A gift over is a term often used by lawyers when referring to what happens to a testator or Will makers gifts if the testator’s primary beneficiaries will not receive their gift. It is a clause within a Will or trust that provides for the distribution of a gift to an alternative beneficiary...
Posted in:Estate PlanningWills |
What is a testator?
Posted by PW Lawyers
on 19 November 2024
A testator is the legal term for a person who has made a legally valid Will or testament. They are often referred to as the Will maker. Historically a male was referred to as a testator and a female was referred to as a testatrix. Whilst these terms are still correct, the term testator is now use...
Posted in:Estate PlanningWills |
Understanding the Statutory Legacy for a surviving spouse under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW)
Posted by PW Lawyers
on 19 November 2024
In cases where someone passes away without leaving a will, also known as dying intestate, in NSW the surviving spouse is entitled to what is referred to as a spousal legacy or more commonly known as the statutory legacy. This legacy is calculated and adjusted to reflect the cost of living over ti...
Posted in:Legal PracticeStatutory Legacy |