What is Donatio Mortis Causa?

Posted by PW Lawyers on 20 August 2024
What is Donatio Mortis Causa?
Donatio Mortis Causa (DMC), commonly known as a "deathbed gift," is a gift made by a person in contemplation of their imminent death. It shares some characteristics with a legacy in a Will because it is conditional on the death of the gift-giver (also known as the donor) and can be revo...
Posted in:Estate PlanningLegal Services  

What are the Requirements of a Special Disability Trust?

Posted by PW Lawyers on 15 August 2024
What are the Requirements of a Special Disability Trust?
When establishing a Special Disability Trust, it is important that all the requirements are met. As we have seen in the blog What is a Special Disability Trust, the trust can only be established for one beneficiary (not including residuary beneficiaries) and must cease when the beneficiary d...
Posted in:Legal ServicesSpecial Disability Trusts  

How can I provide for the future of my child with a disability?

Posted by PW Lawyers on 15 August 2024
How can I provide for the future of my child with a disability?
We all want the best for our children. Having a child with a disability can create its own anxieties about their future. It is not uncommon for parents to think about what care and support is available to your child if you are no longer able to care for them. There are several steps you can take ...
Posted in:Estate PlanningLegal ServicesSpecial Disability Trusts  

What is a Special Disability Trust?

Posted by PW Lawyers on 15 August 2024
What is a Special Disability Trust?
A Special Disability Trust is a legal trust created to enable families in Australia to financially provide for a person in their family with a severe disability. The trust allows for private financial provision for the future care and accommodation needs. There can only be one beneficiary to the ...
Posted in:Legal ServicesSpecial Disability Trusts  

What is Valuable Consideration?

Posted by PW Lawyers on 13 August 2024
What is Valuable Consideration?
At law, the concept of "valuable consideration" is fundamental. It is especially relevant in contract law and is one of the essential elements required to form a legally binding contract. Without valuable consideration, a contract can be unenforceable. Definition of Consideration Cons...
Posted in:Legal ServicesValuable ConsiderationContracts  
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